Saturday, May 21, 2011


Life throws so many things our way, things we can control, things as a result of our actions, things out of our control, some of them we think of as good others not so good. Regardless of good or bad each has one thing in  common, and that is it is an opportunity for us to grow, learn, reflect and embrace in the end making us a better rounded person.

What I mean by that is with everything that we are subjected to in life regardless of good or bad there is an opportunity for us, however how we approach what comes our way, the heart we have along with the thoughts will ultimately determine the affect that thing in life has on us and those around us.

I think there are a few things we can focus on to deal with what comes our way:

  1. Control what we can control, and by doing that do not worry about what happens to things outside of our control (Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Matt 6:27 NIV)
  2. Approach everything that comes our way with a positive attitude, looking for the best that come come of the situation
  3. Ensure in everything you speak truth, uplift others, and put others before yourself
We all face trials and troubles of many kinds, but as  James said, we should consider it "pure joy" and embrace the positive in the opportunity because there is good that can come out of it, we just have to be open to it and looking for it.

For me when I face trials and troubles I take time to pause, reflect and refocus on the positive as a way to guide my words and actions throughout it, give it a try it may make things a little better for you in the long run...

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