Saturday, June 9, 2012

Good Leaders

I am privileged to work in an environment with great people, we work hard, we love what we do and we laugh hard even if it's at each other!

As I think back through my life's journey I have come to realize that at each place I have worked regardless of its mission or purpose that what made it successful was good leadership.

Sometimes leadership changes and when it does so can the fortune of that organization, all dependent on the leadership and the culture they create.

I don't want to name the leaders I feel have had it "right" but I will say one thing about that "right" experience was that I never felt I was "working for them" but rather felt I was "working with them".

So here are some of the traits I feel a good leader needs to exhibit:

They need to be open to new ideas

They should never ask someone to do something they would not do themselves

They should never be afraid to admit they are/were wrong

They should exhibit grace in their relationships

They need to have a long term plan and a road map to get there

They need to be fair but firm with all they work with

This is not an exhaustive list, just something's I think are important, may be you have some you would like to share?

Here is my list of great leaders in no particular order:

Queen Elizabeth II
Winston Churchill
Ronald Reagan
Margaret Thatcher
Euan Houston
George W Bush

Each of these leaders was great in their own way and in their own time, for their own reasons, yes they have all made mistakes, but making a mistake doesn't make you a bad leader, it just makes you human...

Who would be on your list?

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