Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Apple Rumours

Apple is a master at marketing, whether they leak small things to spur the rumours or the veil of secrey they put over their products produces it, the advertising and chat they get based on rumours is worth millions of dollars in advertising to them, money can't bu this type of hype. I have to say I love Apple products, as Steve Jobs says "they just work" and 99% of the time they do just that.

As you likely know now the rumours have gone in to high gear over the event to take place next week, some think it will be the IPad 2, but who knows with Apple. My thought is it could be a combo event, the release of the new IOS and the IPad 2 unveiled, but with Apple even if you know something, you know nothing until they hit the stage and all is revealed...

So what do you think they will unveil or do you even care?


  1. A new iPad is a shoe-in (already have my credit card ready to go!), but I'm not so sure about iOS unless it's just talking about iOS 5, or the release of 4.3 which wouldn't really need a media event. They wouldn't throw iOS 5 out there without public betas and ample time for developers to code for it. If anything, I'd expect iOS 5 to coincide with iPhone 5.

  2. I agree, to clarify I meant 4.3, not 5 for IOS. looking forward to seeing
    your new IPad 2 :-)

  3. I read an interesting thought... With Apple announcing the new Macbook Pros today with the new Thunderbolt port (and the next iMac/Mac Pro refreshes will certainly gain it too), will the new iPad (and then the next iPhone and iPod Touch) have a Thunderbolt port on it?

    On one hand it makes a lot of sense to do since you could sync a whole movie in seconds, but on the other hand they've invested too much in their proprietary dock connector to simply push it aside like that.

    Plus they couldn't ditch the dock connector without breaking compatibility with almost every accessory out there. And I can't imagine them including a Thunderbolt-to-dock-connector adapter since that would be too awkward and wouldn't fit good in existing docks. But I similarly can't see them trying to squeeze two ports onto iPhones/iPods, although they definitely could on an iPad since there's so much extra space.

  4. Good point, I hadn't thought about that.
