Friday, April 29, 2011


Does it matter which email address you use? is one better than the other?

Here are my thoughts. I used to use the email address of the Internet Service Provider (ISP) who provided my service, however after having a bad experience with an ISP and having to go through changing my email address with all my online bills, friends, etc I found it wasn't worth the hassle, not to mention that having access to my email wherever I am is done more easiliy with an organization who specialize in email on the go than a ISP who specializes in delivering internet service.

So I made the change to Gmail and have never looked back. I can now access my email wherever I want using any web browser, I can use Google Exchange to sync my email seamlessly on my iPhone and iPad, I can set Gmail up in my email client on my desktop (Outlook, Mail etc) so for me it just makes sense for anyone to use an account that isn't tied to an ISP.

Just because you buy a Ford motor vehicle doesn't mean that you go to Ford for every single thing you need for your vehicle, you go to where the best product is for the vehicle itself, the same holds true for me with email.

Not to mention that if I have a need to change ISP I can do so easily without having to worry about it affecting any of my email correspondence. The great thing is that Gmail is free, I never have to pay anything and the functionality is great. For those thinking this is a commercial for Gmail it isn't, there are other services available as well such as Hotmail & Yahoo, I don't use them so cannot comment on them other than I know they are also free.

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