Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Seeing Grass

We don't get a lot of snow where I live so when we do it always causes chaos. This past week we had over a foot of snow which obviously covered everything with the pretty white stuff.

But even as pretty as it is after a week of travel chaos I have had enough. Today after a warming of the weather and some rain the snow has started to subside, as it has I can't tell you how happy I am to see the grass poking through the snow.

Looking at that grass poking through and having the feeling of relief it brought me made me think about many years ago when a man named Noah spent a whole lot of time on a big boat due to a flood.

After many days and nights of being on water I wonder how relieved he was to finally see land, a piece of tree breaking the surface of the water or may be some grass. The relief he felt was probably similar to mine but for a whole different reason.

As we go through life we have the moments of relief that come when something passes and something new begins, at times it seems like what we are going through will never end, whether it is a weather storm or a storm of life, but what we have to remember is that regardless of what it is there is a season for all things  and like the many that have gone before it this one will also pass.

The key when we are in one of these seasons is not to make decisions for the long term, because in the midst of a something a short term decision or plan is the better way to go, then as we edge closer to the end of the season or storm we can then start to collect ourselves and make those long term plans.

We don't have to take the weight of the world on our shoulders, just make that solid short term decision and enjoy life using the gifts you have been given, seasons and storms are just another opportunity in this journey called life...

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