Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Shaping Our World

Each day when we get out of bed there are so many things that have taken place to give us today the rights and freedoms we have, if choices and decisions were made differently in years gone by then the world today would be a very different place. If governments hadn't taken a stand against the Nazi's in WWII, if soldiers hadn't given their lives to stand up for their country the world would be a very different place.

As we get out of bed today likely the choices we make today and this week will not shape "the world", but they will shape "our world". By shaping our world in a positive way we create the climate for those who live in our world, our friends our family and those we encounter on a daily basis. How do you shape your world? What is the basis for your choices and decisions each day? It is the things that influence us that will form the basis for the way we make our decisions, that will shape our choices.

I am reflecting this week on how I make my choices, my decisions, what influences me, I challenge you to do the same. A tool that I use to help encourage me spiritually through the day to keep what I want to shape my choices and decisions in front of me is goTandem because in the world we live in it is so easy to be distracted, to be influenced by all that is around us in marketing and advertising, we need to stay focused on what we want to influence us and our world.

Most of us cannot shape The World but we can shape Our World, I encourage you to shape your world in a positive way, to make it a place people want to be, if enough of us do that who knows, we may just change the world one small world at a time, it's just another opportunity...

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