Thursday, May 31, 2012


As we go through life we make many choices, some of these are fairly insignificant, things like what we eat, what we wear, others are significant, things such as are behaviour, actions and lifestyle choices.

Then there are those choices that seem to be insignificant at first glance but in reality are the most significant choices we will ever make, these choices will help shape who we are and our path in life.

I guess what I am referring to is our choice for "our sphere of influence". Who do we choose to hang out with, who do we choose to "idolize" who do we choose to strive to be like. These choices are going to shape our future and who we ultimately end up being.

As an example, if we were to choose to hang out with a heavy drinker or partier the chances of us also becoming like that person are high, if we were to hang out with a person into drugs or engaged in a promiscuous lifestyle again the chances we will model that behaviour are also very high. The same is true if we hang out with people with strong moral values, with a heart for serving others and who have compassion.

As we think about this it becomes evident that we have to choose our sphere of influence carefully so that we are being influenced by people who meet the social and moral standards we wish to achieve to give us the greatest chance of success in achieving our life goals.

Life is about choices and ultimately what influences our choices, so take a moment today and think about who is influencing your life and the choices you make, do you need to make any adjustments?

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