Monday, May 21, 2012


Life is a funny thing, to some it is the description of what takes place while we are on this earth, for others it describes the energy within us, for others it describes a journey.

For me it encompasses all of the above and it is such a funny thing, none of us can plan their life because none of us know when it will end or where it will take us, all we can do is be content with the life we have trying day by day to better ourselves and the life we live by making wise choices and decisions that will positively influence our "life" and those around us.

But what about when we make bad choices, choices that negatively effect our lives? We have all done it in one way or another, it is part of life. I think the important thing for us to do is to respond positively to those bad choices, to acknowledge them, to learn from them and to ensure we don't make them again. Our choices in life can be influenced by those around us, so a key is to make sure we surround ourselves with people of a like mind, people who for the most part make good choices ad are pulling in the same direction as us.

Whatever we do in life wherever we are we are always going to face troubles, we are always going to have struggles, that is just part of life. The key is to be positive, to encourage others and to know that regardless of what takes place He has a plan for us in the journey called life and every struggle we face is just another opportunity to improve ourselves...

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