Saturday, June 2, 2012


I was recently thinking about all the stuff I own, I don't own a lot of items that are valuable, but I have collected a lot of junk over the years!

I picked up things along the journey that I have kept because I thought it would be useful at some point or I just liked it. Of course I am talking about material things, physical things we can touch and see.

But what about all that emotional stuff I have picked up along the way, am I carrying emotional baggage that can weigh me down, get in my way of being the very best I can be. I think it's fair to say we all "have stuff" and have picked up emotional stuff along the way, but it's what we do with that stuff not what it is that will influence our future.

I think the most important thing to dealing with the emotional stuff is to acknowledge that we have it, once we have done that we need to figure out a plan to let it go, whether that is sitting down with a spouse or close friend to work through it and just get it out so it can be let go or may be a professional counselor is the person for you. Either way we need to deal with the emotional stuff in our lives or like the physical stuff it will just get in our way as we journey on this thing called life and decrease our enjoyment of it...

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