Thursday, July 21, 2011

Apple and the Dollar

I am a converted PC guy who has embraced and become amazed over time at how Apple do things, they lead the field in many areas always striving for excellence, their products "just work".

That being said it was something they did this week which showed me they are not afraid to "buck the trend" and lead the way. What was it?

Well, they put a large portion of their products both software and hardware sold in Canada on par with the pricing in the US.

Previously you would pay more in Canada for the exact same product sold in the US even at a time when our dollar has been on par or better for a couple of years.

Living in BC we see it all the time, we can drive 20 minutes South into the US and save 20 to 40% sometimes more on an identical item and pay less sales tax as well! All this at a time when our retail stores in Canada are reaping the benefit of the Canadian dollars value when buying products in the US but not passing anything on to the consumer.

I would like to say thank you Apple and I hope more businesses follow your lead...

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