Friday, March 23, 2012

Nothing Means Everything

I had an amazing time in Sri Lanka, a beautiful country, with so much to see and experience. I learnt so much about the people, the country and what our organization is about doing in the country.

I can honestly say I have never seen so many vehicles driving in what appears to be complete chaos in all my life. Now that being said, it may seem like chaos to me with erratic lane changes, constant honking of the horn, no signaling and weaving in & out of the lane, passing three vehicles abreast on a two lane windy road, but to the people of Sri Lanka it is just a normal drive, it is my perception of "normal" that is all wrong based on my experience to date.

I rode an elephant, saw a tea factory, watched a snake charmer with a cobra, saw where the tsunami struck, heard about the persecution of children and adults alike and experienced authentic cuisine whenever I could. But what really touched my heart was the genuine joy of the people, people who by our standards had nothing were happy, content, and at peace. They did not complain, they were not striving to be better than the next person, they would joyfully give what they had to help you, and they did.

The Sri Lanka experience really made me appreciate all we have, realize how much we have and how easy we have it. It reminded me that joy is based on who we are and not what we have, that contentment comes from within not from what we amass.

The one joy which I observed and experienced that had no geographical boundaries was the joy that comes from knowing Jesus and having a relationship with Him. Whether you are in Colombo or Galle in Sri Lanka or Washington DC or Vancouver in North America, the joy of His love and knowing He came and died for our sins that we may be set free is the same. The surroundings in which people worship is worlds apart yet the hope and joy in their saviour is very much the same, something that unites us both.

By our standards in North America the majority of Sri Lankan people have nothing, but I would say they have everything based on my experience this week, and that we have a lot to learn from them as we continue on this journey called life...

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