Monday, September 3, 2012

Second is First

Everyday we meet people and interact with them, they may be people we know well or people that we are meeting for the first time, they may be family who know us well or complete strangers that know nothing about us.

I wonder how we would interact if we consciously thought about how our interaction with those people are going to reflect on how that person views us. Do they view us as kind, caring, helpful or rude, uncaring and a pain in the butt! In every interaction there is going to be an impression left positive or negative...

I would guess that most of us would want to be thought of in a positive light, really, who wants to be thought of as a jerk! So how do we do that?

I think the answer is found in those that we think of as positive, kind, caring people, I can think of those people in my life and as I do I can think of the attitude they display in their interactions with others, who comes to mind for you?

I guess as I think more about it I come to the conclusion that those people who come to mind for me as positive do a couple of things that set the foundation for their interaction with others; the first is that they put others first, that means they put others feelings, desires and wants before their own, the second is that they hold on to things loosely, they will give what they have to others, they are not selfish with their possessions, time or talents.

So as we continue on this journey called life may be we need to start thinking less about ourselves and more about others, we need to hold things loosely, as I start to dream about a world where the majority do this the world looks like a whole different place, what does it look like for you?

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